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Everything's ready, you just finished pumping up your SUP, you take the pump hose off, and you hear a leaking sound coming from the SUP valve! Is the day ruined? No! Is your board damaged? No. A SUP valve that leaks air sounds a lot worse than it is. It's actually a really simple fix and is considered maintenance. What's happening? The SUP valve consists of two pieces which thread together: the piece on the outside of the board that you can see, and a nut on the inside that sandwhiches the whole assembly against the PVC and helps hold...

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So you had a great day on the water. Everyone's packing up and it's time to get that paddleboard in to the trunk. What can I expect when deflating your paddleboard? First of all, you'll recall that it took a fair amount of energy to inflate your paddleboard. All that energy is stored as potential energy in the form of pressurized air. While deflating a board is perfectly safe, there are some things to keep in mind. It will be loud. All that pressurized air is going to escape through the SUP valve. Dogs and small kids should be warned...

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Inflatable paddleboards are so popular and convenient as they can be easily transported and stored. People who have never used them before are often shocked at how stiff an inflatable paddleboard can be once properly inflated. How do you inflate your board? And how long is it going to take? All our boards include a manual pump to inflate your board. You can expect it to take 10-20 mins to inflate your board, which includes some breaks. To inflate your board: Unroll your board on a clean, flat(ish) surface. Gravel and sharp rocks are a bad idea. Grass, hardsurfaces like...

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Your PADL Board comes with an adjustable paddle, suitable to people from 5' to 6'8" in height. An adjustable paddle is useful to allow friends and family to use the same equipment, but what length should your paddle be set up? Having a paddle set up shorter or longer than ideal can lead to sore muscles, uncomfortable paddling position, damage to board, and difficulty tracking. The correct paddle length will also depend on your paddling style. The typical, recreational user will be standing up straight, while a speed or race user will be hunched over to increase leverage and paddling...

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Details and info on our 2 year warranty.

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